Chakra Clearing Set


INCLUDED IN KIT: 7 chakra rose and sage bundle, selenite wand, stick of palo santo, box of matches, chakra bracelet, velvet pouch.


DESCRIPTION: Chakras are spinning wheels of light or energy. They have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and radiating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. When any of these wheels spin too fast, too slow, or is blocked it will create imbalances in your energy field and that imbalance will spill into your life. This on the go kit is perfect for carrying with you to make sure your chakra system is always clear no matter where you are.

It includes a sage bundle which clears negativity and replaces positive ions (most forms of pollution carry a positive charge) in your energy field with negative ions, which benefit the optimization of health.

Selenite wand- brings clarity of mind, open the crown and higher chakras, and helps access angelic consciousness.

Palo Santo stick- wards off negative energy and heal the physical and spiritual level.


Chakra bracelet- includes lava stones which provides strength and courage, allowing for stability through times of change.

Amethyst- connects physical, mental, and emotional bodies, cleanses the aura, and transmutes negative energy.

Sodalite- ability to clear the mind, empowers creativity, observation, and discipline.

Red Jasper- the “supreme nurturer,” it sustains and supports in times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness.

Carnelian- promotes positive life choices, helps you trust yourself and your perceptions, and restores vitality and motivation.

Yellow quartz- takes your energy back to its original state before the dis-ease set in.

Fluorite- cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes anything within the body that is not in perfect order.

Lapis Lazuli- stimulates personal and spiritual power, releases stress and brings deep peace, and harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 2 × 4.4 in
Earthe Energe Exclusive