Take Action with April Featured Stones

For April we are featuring stones that will help you “Spring into Action”!
Having a hard time getting motivated? Unsure what path to take? These stones will give you a boost in the right direction.
1. Carnelian
Carnelian acts as a powerful boost of motivation and can keep us moving forward toward our goals. Energetically, carnelian works directly with your Root Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra, which are the two most powerful energy centers for physical energy. It is known to be the stone of personal power because of the positive effects it brings to our courage and confidence. Try meditating with your Carnelian first thing in the morning and carry it with you throughout the day to maintain that boost of energy!
2. Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz works with the Sacral Chakra and can move you in the right direction on your path when you’re feeling stuck. It helps us face our inner issues which allows us to create space to move forward and go for our goals rather than be held back by old energies and stories. When you’re lacking inspiration and need help with new ideas Tangerine Quartz can help.
3. Red Jasper
This power stone helps boost energy, strength, stamina and also offers protection. Red Jasper can be highly motivating, igniting passion and inspiration.
Red Jasper is connected to the base chakras which helps you to face up to things that take courage and power and is a good choice when you have challenges to face.
It can protect us from harm by acting as a shield for both psychic and physical energies. If you struggle with physical strength and stamina or feel like you have your energy drained by others often this is a good stone to keep with you during your day.
which is why it holds such strong protective properties.
4. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye works with the Solar Plexus Chakra to motivate, encourage action, strengthen will-power and stabilize energy levels.
If you’re looking to take action on lifestyle changes this is the stone for you. It will help to bring balance and stability while encouraging you to take intuitive steps towards our goals. It can be useful for overcoming addictive behaviors.
5. Orange Calcite
If you’re looking to move forward on a creative endeavor, lack ambition or have feelings of low self-worth Orange Calcite is the stone for you. It works with the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras helping you to tap into your talents and brings joy and happiness.
It can promote motivation, willpower and success and can boost your ambition and confidence, so you can reach your true potential.
Orange calcite will fill you with positivity, is a powerful energy amplifier and will cleanse your physical body as well as your environment of negative energy.

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